All therapy services will be provided online for CT, FL, CA, & AZ. Clients in MA have the option of both in person and online! We'll be using a HIPAA compliant platform to conduct sessions. There is a currently no wait list. Contact me for more info.
If you are in need of therapy now, and are a pregnant or postpartum, please reach out to Postpartum Support International for assistance finding a provider:
If you need help right now; and can't wait, DON'T. Use the Crisis Text Line:
Through therapy, our relationship will become a gateway to a new path… one that will ultimately transform the pain you feel into a part of your story that shows your strength & resiliency. Let's deal with feelings. Let's understand our emotions. Let's learn how to have the best orgasms! Let's understand how to create REAL change in your life ,whether you live in Boston, Orlando, West Hartford, Scottsdale, or San Francisco!
I have special expertise in treating many women's issues - everything from emotional pain stemming from reproductive health challenges to dealing with infidelity in a relationship. I really love helping new moms that are dealing with postpartum anxiety and depression. I also love helping women heal their relationship with food and their bodies. And most of all, I love helping women discover that pleasure is their birthright and that good sex is not only possible, but a key component to mental health and well being.
As a female therapist living in the Boston and Orlando areas, I understand how life can affect us differently. Problems like unplanned pregnancies, chronic illnesses, overwhelming anxiety, eating issues, postpartum depression/anxiety, lack of sexual desire - it's stuff like this that can really have an impact on how you feel. It’s not always easy to talk about the problems that are keeping us up at night, but counseling is one place where it’s ok to say anything, and to truly be heard and helped. Don’t wait to decide to change your life - schedule an intake appointment today!
We work on your goals together, understanding your story, helping you become more connected in life. Many of my clients enjoy coming to my Waltham office, where counseling is done in a private, residential setting-BUT I also offer telehealth in a safe, convenient way for those living in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Arizona, California, or Florida! You will experience a safe, empathic environment to share, learn and grow through our work together. Healing through making changes in your life isn’t always easy, but therapy can be a supportive place to start! You are the expert of you, and I want to help you use your intuition to be the best badass "you" you can be. I look forward to embarking on this journey with you...
...a journey that results in a healthier, happier you!
This document may change as I learn more and grown. I am committed to the necessary work of anti-racism in myself, my community, and my work. I do come from generations of white privilege, which was unearned & contributes to the roots of racism in this country.
I am happy to discuss the steps I am taking with you to become anti-racist, including recognizing it in myself and addressing it immediately. Racism, oppression, and microaggressions exist everywhere, and they exist in the world of therapy.
Therapy needs to do better, and I need to do better. Systemic racism impacts our humanity, and when we "other", we effectively dehumanize people in order to stay in a system that allows white people, and myself as a white woman, to flourish on this unequal ground.
I am committed to understanding the intersectionality of ableism, racism, sizeism, sexism, homophobia, & transphobia and the therapeutic environment. Racism and hate has no place in an environment designed for healing, and I welcome discussing how anti-racism can impact therapy.
Here are just a few ways I am addressing my lifelong journey of antiracism:
*Supporting BIPOC small businesses of all kinds
*Engaging in my own therapeutic supervision designed to educate and dismantle structural racism within my work and myself
*Participate in ongoing trainings and workshops in antiracism & allyship
*Donate to causes that support racial equality, social justice and systemic change
*Engage in and welcome challenges that promote my growth in this area
*Hold myself and colleagues accountable when racism is occuring
I hope this is helpful and useful, and I actively stand against racism, hate, and intolerance in all its forms. Please let me know if you have questions or wish to discuss this more.
This is a Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Asexual/Aromantic, Non Binary, & Straight friendly business!
I continue to strive to become not only an ally but an advocate, through continued training & education, in addition to self examination and reflection of my own privilege and bias & experience with gender and sexuality. I find this essential to providing quality care for all the humans I see. If you are trans and in crisis, please check out, please check out:
Jessica Foley, MA, LMHC, LLC
Psychotherapy For Women Seeking Growth & Positive Change™!
36 Beaver Street
Waltham, MA 02453-7006
Tel: 617 877 0071
Fax: 617-440-3653
Licensed in MA LMHC #6161
Licensed in CT LPC #004707
Licensed in CA LPCC #2005
Licensed in AZ LPC #17766
Licensed in FL LMHC #18336
Grover Monster is a friendly chocolate lab puppy, born in July 2020. He is available on request for in-office pets & loves for MA clients, and can also make appearances during online sessions! Grover Monster is not YET a trained therapy dog, but maybe someday!
I'm also all over social media and you can follow me below! Disclaimer: Social media is a public place. Even private messages on social media are NOT secure. Please do not share anything you would not want the public to read. If you are interested in becoming a client, please know that I do use a HIPAA secure platform for email & video sessions to keep your info safe and protected. Super Important Note: Following or engaging with me on social media is NOT the same as having a therapeutic relationship. I cannot answer any clinical questions. There is no expectation that clients follow me, and I will never follow you back to protect your privacy. Please refrain from including personal info in your comments on any of my social media posts. My social media presence is for entertainment and information only and does not serve as therapy.
If you have found this site while in crisis, and are considering self-harm, please contact this excellent resource, or call 911 immediately!